Public Reason: Vol. 12, No. 2, 2020
Cultural Heritage and John Dewey’s Philosophy of Education in a Democratic Community
Ileana Dascalu

Abstract. John Dewey’s philosophy of education has addressed a number of issues that presentday educational and cultural institutions continue to face in their quest for relevance. This paper focuses on some implications of Dewey’s philosophy of experience which he considered foundational for any organized educational activity in a democratic community. The three major writings discussed in reverse chronological order are Experience and Education, Art as Experience and Democracy and Education. The paper concludes by suggesting that Dewey’s philosophy of education provides a comprehensive theoretical foundation to contemporary studies and policies addressing the role of cultural heritage in a democratic society.

Key words: John Dewey, cultural heritage, experience, art, democracy.


Dascalu, Ileana. 2020. Cultural Heritage and John Dewey’s Philosophy of Education in a Democratic Community Public Reason 12 (2): 27-35.