Public Reason: Vol. 4, No. 1-2, June-December 2012
Global Injustice as a Threat to World Security
Vihren Bouzov


The problems of national security are subject matter of interdisciplinary studies in political, economic and military sciences, as well as in philosophy, psychology and social and technical sciences. In this paper, security is perceived of as a process of adequate control by the social subject over adverse impacts of the environment. Today, the world is more insecure than at any in the past: the components of the world security system, inherited from the „Cold war” period, are becoming eroded. Mankind needs a new effective security system, based on a cosmopolitan morale and shared responsibilities. The ongoing process of globalization has entailed growth of inequalities and injustice the world over. Mankind still underestimates their effect as a threat and risk to its security. Global injustice is a source of most of dangers to world security: terrorism, crime and regional conflicts. Existing problems of collective security can only be interpreted with success by means of reference to the political game theory. Its practical advises must be interpreted on the basis of an axiological conception of rationality. The thesis that an effective security system must be built up on the basis of a choice in chime with a dominant option obtaining is forwarded and grounded in this paper. The solution of overall security problems via the use of a model of award of proxy has been proved to be ineffective. 

Key words: world security, global injustice, new security system.



Bouzov, Vihren. 2012. Global Injustice as a Threat to World Security. Public Reason 4 (1-2): 222-28.