1. Rafael Ziegler
Real Social Contracts for Sustainability? Philosophical and Political Implications of Social Agreement in Circumstances of Poverty and Degraded Ecosystems
2. Karsten Klint Jensen & Tine Bech Flanagan
Climate Change and Compensation
3. Li Jianjun
Heavy Fog and Smog in Beijing A Watershed towards a Green Future
4. Thierry Ngosso
The Right to Development of Developing Countries: An Argument against Environmental Protection?
5. Alobwede John Ngome
Unlocking Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) with Development Inspiration from the South
6. Sirkku K. Hellsten
The End Of Development? Reflections on the Unsustainability of the Current Development Paradigm and a Quest for an African Alternative
Book Reviews
1. Ileana Dascalu
Philippe Van Parijs, Just Democracy The Rawls–Machiavelli Programme