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Welcome to Public Reason!

Public Reason is a peer-reviewed journal of political and moral philosophy. publishes articles, book reviews, as well as discussion notes from all the fields of political philosophy and ethics, including political theory, applied ethics, and legal philosophy.

Texts from other areas of philosophy may be published, if they are relevant for issues in moral and political philosophy. The journal encourages the debate around rationality in politics and ethics in the larger context of the discussion concerning rationality as a philosophical problem. 

Public Reason is committed to a pluralistic approach, promoting interdisciplinary and original perspectives as long as the ideals of critical thinking and clarity are respected. The journal is intended for the international philosophical community, as well as for a broader public interested in political and moral philosophy. 

Public Reason publishes two issues per year, in June and December. Public Reason is an open-access e-journal, but it is also available in print.

Donations: Public Reason is an open-access journal, which does not charge authors a processing fee – neither directly nor indirectly (where applicable) through the author’s institution of affiliation. Hence, publication-related decisions are not made on financial considerations. To keep the journal financially viable, however, we do encourage donations, which can be made here: Please specify that the donation is for Public Reason.

NB: If funding for publication is provided by your institution or as part of a grant, and an invoice is needed, please contact the journal’s editors: Creative Commons License

Public Reason 14(2) 2022 - 15(1) 2023: Themes from the Work of David Owen ARTICLES   David Owen    On Vindication in Ethical .. read more
details >>Boards & Editors
Advisory Board

Radu J. Bogdan
Tulane University

Paula Casal
University of Reading

Fred D'Agostino
University of Queensland

Rainer Forst
Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main

Axel Gosseries Ramalho
Catholic University of Louvain

Alan Hamlin
University of Manchester

John Horton
Keele University

Janos Kis
Central European University, Budapest

Jean-Christophe Merle
University of Tübingen

Adrian Miroiu
SNSPA Bucharest

Adrian W. Moore
University of Oxford

Philippe Van Parijs
Catholic University of Louvain

Thomas Pogge
Yale University

Mark Timmons
University of Arizona
Editorial Board

Ovidiu Caraiani
University Politehnica of Bucharest

Luigi Caranti
University of Catania

Radu Dudau
University of Bucharest

Mircea Dumitru
University of Bucharest

Adrian - Paul Iliescu
University of Bucharest

Ferda Keskin
Istanbul Bilgi University

Laurentiu Gheorghe
University of Bucharest

Alina Romașcu
Université de Corse Pasquale Paoli

Constantin Stoenescu
University of Bucharest

Ion Vezeanu
University of Grenoble

Editors in Chief

Romulus Brancoveanu
University of Bucharest

Sorin Baiasu
Keele University

Associate Editor

Thomas Pogge
Yale University

Editorial Team:

Assistant Editors:

Mircea Tobosaru,
Politehnica University of Bucharest

Carmen-Viviana Ciachir,
University of Bucharest
