General information
All contributions whether articles or reviews are welcome and should be sent by e-mail as attachment at Papers will be refereed on a blind basis by Public Reason’s referee board. Acceptance notices will be sent as soon as possible. The editors may ask for revisions of accepted manuscripts.
Papers should have an abstract and key words. Please limit your paper submission to 8000 words, including footnotes and references, and format it for blind review (the text should be free of personal and institutional information). Along with the article, but not in the article, please send contact details: current affiliation, address, telephone number and email address. Authors are responsible for reinserting self identifying citations and references when manuscripts are prepared for final submission.
Book reviews should have no more than 4000 words.
Manuscript preparation
All manuscripts should be formatted in Rich Text Format file (*rtf) or Microsoft Word document (*doc) with 12 pt. font size and double-spaced, in Rich Format Style. Please use the author-date system documentation style, as it is presented in The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition. See here the Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide. For more information about the Journal's editing rules, we kindly ask you to download the Manuscript Preparation Guidelines and the last issue of Public Reason.
The contributions have to be original and not published before. Public Reason does not require exclusivity in submission of articles. However, if you have submitted your article to another journal, we kindly require that you let us know about it, and notify us without any delay about other journals' decisions about your article. The work has to be approved by all co-authors. Authors wishing to use text passages, figures, tables etc. that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s). Evidence that permissions have been granted are to be sent along with the manuscripts submitted for the blind review.
The authors assume all responsibility for the content published in the journal.
The journal does not have article processing charges or article submission charges.
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